Independent dance artist
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Ashlee Bye and Hannah Wong

Far Flung - Ashlee Bye, Hannah Wong and Courtney Scheu

Ashlee Bye and Hannah Wong in Far Flung development, Melbourne

Ashlee Bye and Hannah Wong in Far Flung development, Melbourne

Far Flung is an “interactive, real-time performance event that explores the challenges and excitement of long-distance communication.” Originally devised by artists Courtney Scheu, Ashlee Bye, Anna Kallstrom, Robert Brassington and Hannah Wong, this presentation will feature Scheu and Bye in association with QL2 Dance.  

Creating a unique and captivating experience, Far Flung simultaneously takes place across three different venues linked together by online video conferencing. Audience members get to choose their vantage point and are then encouraged to change their point of view as often as they like throughout the performance.

Presented independently in Brisbane and Melbourne 2014

Presented in You Are Here, Canberra 2015 featuring dancers from QL2

Presented Crack Theatre Festival, TiNA 2014

Performers and collaborators | Ashlee Bye, Robert Brassington, Anna Kallstrom, Courtney Scheu, Kellie Beneforti