I need you unexpecting 2012
Movement Score
1. Conversation
Instruction: moving argument with eye contact
Choreographic (Ch.) parameters: Consider proximity
Intention: Creating relationship tension
Ch. solution: Circle to stop
Intention: A reaction to the argument, uncomfortable, fleeing
2. Grabbing
Instruction: Move someone from a distance
Ch. parameters: Shifting centre via lifts
Intention: Aggression, forceful, chaos
Ch. solution: Fireman carry group member out of chaos
Intention: Break up fighting
3. Hugging
Instruction: “I need to be held like this...”
Ch. parameters: One person decides
Intention: Consoling, awkward, desperate
Ch. solution: Diagonal pathway to duo
Intention: Curiosity, jealousy
4. Counter
Instruction: Series of counter balances
Ch. parameters: Take legs off the ground, expand and contract shape to reveal negative space
Intention: Keep duo apart
Ch. solution: Birth dancer, abstract vocal exclamation
Intention: Upset, disturb hypnotic pattern of weight exchange
5. Face fight
Instruction: Abstract vocal argument initiated by movement, others observe
Ch. parameters: consider proximity, levels and volume
Intention: Find a word together
Ch. solution: Dancer walk between argument
Intention: Take word, give to audience
6. Speech
Instruction: Dancer speak on the topic of the word
Ch. parameters: Others jump on word and spin on “I”
Intention: Rhythm of speech dictates movement
Ch. solution: Drawn to speaker, speaker reacts
Intention: Invade personal space, curiosity, admiration
7. Crowd
Stage one:
Instructions: Experience being in a space, move box
Ch. parameters: Shift centre
Intention: Find happy place, grass is always greener
Stage two:
Instruction: Push through crowd
Ch. parameters: Direct focus, give weight
Intention: Embody scenario e.g. music concert crowd
Ch. solution: Dancer ejected from group
Intention: Urgent, desperate, forceful
8. Stitch Craft solo:
Instruction: Embody action of stitch crafts, use vocals
Ch. parameters: Move back and forward across stage, react to group
Intention: Mating dance
Gaggle group:
Instruction: Constant movement, react to seeing solo dancer, abstract chatter/sing song.
Ch. parameters: Dancer in front leads, rotate, close proximity
Intention: Gaggle of geese, giggling girls
Ch. solution: Solo dancer get closer to group, leave
Intension: give up, frustrated
Ch. solution: Group take box to solo dancer, sit him down, group exit
Intention: Solo dancer - absorbed in thought, uncomfortable. Group - wait for a reaction, give up